
FuzzHugger ABsynth

*Will be edited/updated occasionally*

"I will free you first from burning thirst
That is born of a night of the bowl,
Like a sun ’twill rise through the inky skies
That so heavily hang o’er your souls.
At the first cool sip on your fevered lip, you determine to live through the day;
Life’s again worth while, as with a dawining smile,
You imbibe your absinthe frappé. "
-Glenn MacDonough

The FH ABsynth, is much like the drink in Glenn's poem. It's one of those pedals I just can't get enough of. You go trying different fuzz's, or other effects, looking for something specific...something special. One day, there it is...
The FuzzHugger ABsynth
A harmonic-blasting, liquidy, light-sabery, layered fuzz--with tone-shaping Fuzz and
Texture controls that take you from smooth and searing to splattery!From there, add a mind-altering second mode with wild oscillation, whale calls, blips, self-arpeggiation, more synth tones, and fat octave down!

• Dual silicon diode fuzz!
• Fuzz, Texture, Level, Trip, and Mode controls.
• Professionally printed circuit board.
• Green gem button LEDs.
• Black ABS synth knobs
• True-bypass switching.
• 9v negative tip adapter power.
(No batteries.)
• Rugged aluminum enclosure (4.7" x 3.7")
• Lifetime warranty!

Mine, before and after Tom added the 5th knob (gain) and toggle switch (bass/guit voicing). Eventually he started making the ABsynth 5k, which has the 5 knob standard. This particular enclosure was painted by Ben Nerison.

Personally, I can use this pedal for anything. I was still figuring out different things MONTHS after owning it. Hell, I'm not sure I have
found all the sounds yet. No one trick pony as for instruments either. Being primarily a bass player, trust me it's no slouch. You will get tons of various characteristics, whether you're using a bass or guitar. A little tip: Roll your volume back, or adjust your pick attack, and you can play the oscillations. Also makes for some very synthy bass tone.

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